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Case Study: Increasing Public Participation through Inclusive Outreach and Accessible Design


The Richmond Regional Transportation Planning Organization’s (RRTPO) latest Long-Range Transportation Plan, known as ConnectRVA 2045, guides the region’s transportation investments over the next 20 years to support the mobility needs of the Richmond Region and its future growth. Avid Core, in partnership with Kearns & West and KLT Group, was brought in to design the final document and support the public review period for the plan.

We were charged with:

  • Informing stakeholders of the content of the draft ConnectRVA2045 plan and getting feedback on the plan’s accessibility and presentation 
  • Increasing collaboration and strengthening relationships with community groups   
  • Conducting equitable outreach to encourage input from a diverse group of stakeholders representing the full Richmond Region 
Our Approach

Building on our award-winning Community Engagement Strategy, Avid Core developed a community engagement plan specifically for ConnectRVA 2045. We managed all logistics and planning for a range of tactics including:

  • Website updates, including the development of an interactive StoryMap
  • Animated explainer video
  • Social media posts to LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter
  • Media outreach
  • Tailored emails to community leaders, Tribes, and interested members of the public
  • Fact sheet in English and Spanish
  • In-person events at six (6) libraries and technical centers throughout the region
  • Virtual Connect with an Expert events

Our materials were accessible and meeting accommodations were available and publicized. We also tailored the feedback form to ensure meaningful participation.

We worked in the feedback gathered throughout the comment period to create the final designed version of the plan. The plan features well-designed visuals and navigation through internal and external links. The final document was made 508 compliant before posting online.

Our Impact

Our efforts led to a more racially diverse group of community participants and a significant increase in media coverage and in-person meeting attendance as compared to the previous iteration of the long-range plan. The final version of ConnectRVA 2045 was praised by community members for its readability, clear organization, and clean design.

case study
Connectrva 2045 plan
Learn more about Avid Core’s work with PlanRVA.