Dream, Dare, Achieve: Conquering My Internship Goals 

As I reflect on my internship at Avid Core, I can confidently say it was a journey filled with discovery and growth. From the very first interview, I knew there was something different about Avid Core. They weren’t just looking for standard answers; they valued creativity and adaptability. They asked insightful questions, made me feel heard, and showed a genuine interest in understanding how I could best contribute to their team.

I left the interview feeling incredibly excited, and this set the tone for what would become a truly enriching experience.

My internship was dynamic and engaging. I was able to contribute to a wide range of projects, from developing communication strategies to designing graphics and supporting public engagement events. One of the most rewarding aspects was seeing my work used in the real world. There’s nothing quite like seeing a design you helped create posted on social media or featured in an online magazine.

However, this excitement was accompanied by moments of self-doubt. I sometimes questioned whether I was good enough and struggled with the self-imposed pressure to deliver “perfect” work. As someone who has often struggled with anxiety, I worried about not being able to overcome the fears holding me back. I knew I had something to offer, I just needed a chance to prove it.

Avid Core gave me that chance. They believed in the value I could bring to the team and encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and tap into my potential. Several instances come to mind: delivering my first client-facing presentation, crafting media advisories and press emails, or assisting with a high-profile conference. These experiences pushed me to grow in ways I hadn’t anticipated.

I also learned to accept that mistakes are part of the process. Acknowledging them and learning from them helps us grow stronger and discover better ways forward.

My internship at Avid Core was incredibly transformative. It allowed me to dive into a diverse array of projects, overcome challenges, and grow professionally. A key part of this came from one-on-one meetings with different team members, where I was able to learn about their backgrounds and the projects they support. There’s so much to learn from others’ experiences, and these interactions greatly enriched my understanding of the communications field and my aspirations going forward.

As my days as an intern come to an end, I’m thrilled to continue with Avid Core as a Communications Specialist. I can’t wait to build on the experiences I’ve had, take on new responsibilities, and contribute to the team’s ongoing success.