Angela Paglia

“My late father retired as an executive for McDonald’s Corporation at the age of 48 (yes, Big Macs put my sister and me through college/med school). He was the utmost professional and expected the same from my sister and I. He encouraged us to always build and maintain healthy relationships in the workplace. I attended Western Michigan University, not far from my hometown of Detroit. Although I loved numbers and obtained my Bachelor’s degree in accounting, I also loved technology and my AutoCAD courses. My first job out of college was at Hewitt Associates, the largest HR outsourcing firm in the world at the time. Knowing my skillset, I was approached about programming their proprietary pension calculation system. I was thrilled to have my hands in both technology and numbers again and this is still what I love. Meeting my husband there was a bonus! I reside in Indianapolis, IN, and I’m a huge Colts fan and love to travel. I have two amazing sons, one who graduated from Ball State University in 2017 and is now a successful sales rep for MOEN in Orlando, FL. My youngest is a 2024 graduate and will be attending Wittenberg University where he will also be part of the swim and track teams.”