Avid (adjective) – having or showing a keen interest in or enthusiasm for something. It’s more than just our company’s namesake. Passion for our work and for the things we love is part of our core values. In this recurring series, we’ll share some of the things we’re Avid Fans of with you.
How many times have you shared a silly video, tagged a friend in a meme, or snapped a screenshot of something that made you laugh? Humor builds connections, which is why so many successful marketing campaigns are built around being witty, clever and entertaining.
In this edition of Avid Fans of, we’ll share the ads and campaigns we can’t stop thinking about because they had us laughing out loud!
Victoria Macdonald – Surreal Cereal
I recently came across some ads for a UK cereal company called Surreal. They draw you in with exaggerated claims about their cereal, only to surprise you with a funny twist (check out the fine print!). While my first reaction was a bit of eye-rolling, it also made me want to share it with a friend to see their response. Their playful approach was impossible to ignore.

Plus, they’ve got a few other clever ads that poke fun at the concept of advertising itself. As someone in a creative field, it’s refreshing to see ads that acknowledge the challenges of creative work!

Sarah Cox – Little Caesar’s Horse Guys Run
It doesn’t take much to sell me on pizza, but it does take a lot for me to remember an ad.
I don’t know what happened to Little Caesar’s when they all but disappeared in my youth in the area I lived in, even after this impressive spot, which I remember from 1993 because I was just the right age to appreciate the humor. They’ve always used humor in their marketing…along yelling “pizza” twice.
I didn’t pay much attention to the chain after that, only occasionally eating it because my boyfriend liked it, until 2012, when the best commercial I’ve ever seen aired.
Having conducted intense internet research for the past 30 minutes, I realize this timing was not random! Little Caesar’s has a fascinating history, and in 2012, they launched a new campaign using a new ad firm. The millions they spent were all worth it, because I have never before or since viewed a commercial that made me laugh so hard, I cried.
Sidenote: Join me in falling down this rabbit hole of Little Caesar’s commercial history. You’ll learn about a time when TVs were square, Jimmie “J.J.” Walker made cameos, and only men delivered food
Rossana Gonzalez – Google’s Home Alone (Again)
You could not have prepared me to see Macaulay Culkin reprise his famous role of “Kevin” in the “Home Alone” movies. I recognized the house and music within a split second. The commercial was to promote Google Assistant. Google definitely played on millennial nostalgia.
The commercial was heartwarming to see for many reasons: seeing Macaulay, who had been through some rough times, look healthy was a major endorphin. The commercial also brought back the classic “Home Alone” symphony, and the famous (huge) home where he added traps for the burglars.
Home Alone grossed about $476.7 million in revenue and is noted as one of the most famous holiday movies of all time. This was a great choice for Google, and cleverly integrated both their Google Assistant product, with the fun and memorable experience of seeing Kevin again. I remember after the commercial came out, I even had conversations with friends and family members that saw it as well.
Carolee Doughty – Nip them in the Butt!
While traveling in South Africa in 2021, I noticed this poster on the wall in the Cape Town Airport, which is an advertisement for an herbal hemorrhoid cream. I laughed because I was shocked at how direct and blatant the advertisement was. In fact, without the surrounding text, one would be able to know the purpose of the product.
The ad is quite clever as the creator used the literal meaning with the play on words (butt instead of bud). Additionally, there’s no discretion with the photo of the person that is experiencing hemorrhoids, whereas, if I were to design an advertisement for any GI disorder that would be in a public space, I would automatically use caution with images and words since hemorrhoids are not only physically painful, but likely embarrassing to share this information with others.

Stephanie Mace – Coors Light “Hits the Spot”
I’ve judged a lot of ads – whether that was as a consumer, as a marketing student or best marketing campaigns judge for the Stevie Awards. I really loved stumbling across this marketing case study on my Instagram feed. It’s a great example of simple reactive marketing that could be one of the most profitable viral campaigns of 2024:
Melissa Gomez – Doritos Finger Cleaner
Doritos lives up to its tagline “For the bold” by producing some of the funniest and most controversial commercials I’ve ever seen. It is no surprise that during the Super Bowl, a time when brands splurge in making unforgettable commercials, Doritos aired the “Finger cleaner,” making me and thousands of other viewers laugh, wonder, and outright say “EW”!
The gross factor actually makes this piece stick in your mind, as research indicates that disgust is a highly memorable emotion.
Aside from the unexpected ending, this commercial is effective because it combines key elements of storytelling such as interesting characters, a mystery, and a comical resolution sprinkled with a note of reality. Don’t we all lick our fingers when eating Doritos?!
Susan Hernandez – “The Truth”
I remember being 14 years old when this Kia commercial came out. I loved the music choice, the flying cars and just thought having Laurence Fishburne as an opera singer was so funny.