Winning an award that calls your company “the best” is always incredible. But being voted the 2021 Best Government Contractor in Prince William means even more to me because it’s an award voted on by my community, the county I have been proud to call home for more than 30 years.

InsideNoVa received a record-breaking number of votes in its 2021 contest, and I want to offer my sincere gratitude to our clients, family, friends, and staff for making this honor possible. Your support means so much to me and you make this work worth it every day.
Avid Core was born out of a desire to provide comprehensive and inclusive public engagement processes in local communities. Northern Virginia has proven to be an excellent region to grow, and we have been fortunate to have outstanding clients that share in our commitment to transparency, equity, and inclusion.
I promise to make sure our company continues to live up to our new title and to continue to give back to the community that has given me so much.
Thank you for voting Avid Core as the 2021 Best Government Contractor in Prince William! We can’t wait to see where we grow from here.