Author: Sarah Cox

Building Confidence through New Experiences

Wet palms, shaking legs, scratchy voice— we’ve all been there, feeling the nerves and excitement ahead of something unknown.  Confidence can be built when you least expect it, and new experiences give us opportunities to showcase strengths we didn’t even know we had. As we start a new year, I’m looking back on some of […]

Knowing Your Audience like Regina George

While we can take some lessons from the characters of Mean Girls, Avid Core is firmly anti-bullying and is donating to PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center in honor of National Bullying Prevention Month. We encourage you to join us to see where you can help—financially or otherwise—and to seek help when you need it. Sunday […]

Water is the Essence of Life

April is Water Conservation Month, and the Avid Core team is committed to doing our part to secure safe, affordable, accessible drinking water for all communities and future generations. This month, we are donating to DIGDEEP, a non-profit organization working to provide rural communities in America with clean running water. We encourage you to join […]